Adjusting to the Post-Pandemic World

We live in difficult times. After almost three years, we see life return to a new kind of normal. Masks mandates are falling away or have already been dropped. It is undoubtedly an exciting time for society, but concurrently for some, it is a time of fear and uncertainty about how such a transition should occur and how quickly. Covid has not disappeared, but its virulency, along with the growing immunity at the mass scale, has significantly shifted the risk vs. reward equation for living fuller, more connected lives once again. Many questions arise: how safe should I feel? What about the elderly and infirm, and how do we navigate these relationships and possible exposures? As I am not an epidemiologist or virologist, it is outside my scope to dictate actuarial risks here. Still, it is incumbent upon us to do the research, know the facts as they are available, and find the amalgam of risk versus exposure that we are comfortable with. This process may be one of trial and error, of course, but it is a worthy one. If you are having trouble navigating this transition period or feel stuck in a kind of limbo, or have difficulty feeling safe or secure in the changing Covid world, please reach out to me. In my anxiety-focused treatment sessions, we will focus on grounding work, challenging unreasonable or unhealthy thought patterns that maintain anxieties, and using sophisticated EMDR techniques, to help you release painful negative thoughts that may hold you back from fully experiencing this whole new world.

Please contact me to learn more: 760-896-4412


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